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Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Designs

Ok- I would LOVE to know
With blogs, do you go with the motto less is more or do you like easy access with seeing the buttons, sponsors etc on the main page. I know when I go to a blog I don't always look around at every tab so I tried putting what I could on my main page BUT- after seeing the fabulous Aimee from byaimee.com do what she does best. I am re-thinking it all. I LOVE the sleek, clean look of her site.

Help me out- tell me what you think?? Should I change up my blog to a more sleek, clean look??
What do you like, because I am in-love! 


  1. Honestly, I like the way yours looks...it's you! and that's what matters MOST!
    xoxo's girly

  2. Do What you love!!!! I think your blog will attract who it's suppose to! I personally love clean! However, I think being original is awesome! So It's up to you! It's always fun to try something new! If you like it great, if you don't now you can always change it back!

  3. I am in the same boat! I too am thinking that I like the sleek look and I think I want to change my recipe blog to something like that. I haven't heard of Aimee's website so this makes me happy! I think your blog looks good, but I also like the sleek look!

  4. I feel like it boils down to the image you want to portray. Clean and professional sites like aimee's have to be sleek to be seen as professional. You have a shop but you are also sharing from your heart and have a vibrant personality to express. If you wanted to clean up a bit maybe take the blog roll/reading list and/or consolidate your labels into fewer and move them to the bottom or right under the categories/tabs that you have on top so they look like reading categories (does that make sense?). I don't want to get too specific though - do what you think looks the best. When I first came to your blog I didn't think it was too busy at all. Your header is the first thing I saw and that captures the essence of your site. Good luck with your thought process :)

  5. thanks for sharing about my launch & your soo sweet comments. i agree with everyone above.. you have to do what best reflects YOU... and sometimes that means what your eye is attracted to. you can always re-brand, add, delete, edit... as long as it makes you happy. go on a website hunt and look for things & layouts that make you happy... compile a list and start putting your ideas together!!

  6. I think your blog should reflect you, so if you like sleek or less is more or bright and colorful or whatever ... when you open your blog you should smile and be totally happy with what you see! As for me, less is more, and streamlined, and, I am always tweeking mine cause who says you have to design it and be done with it. Change something, change it back, change something and love it, play around and just have fun with it!

  7. ps: i'm lovin' all the little chgs on your bloggy:)


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