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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Handmade Gift Exchange Linkup

This year I was involved in two handmade gift exchanges and it was a lot of fun! I will definitely be doing it again next year! To be honest, I was really nervous about it... you know, what if I can't think what to make, what if they don't like it, those kind of thoughts... I guess thats the good thing about being online  :)
For this exchange I participated with Chrissy over at Boerman Ramblings- great host might I add!

you can click here to see all the wonderful exchanges

So, as we say, small world, for Chrissy's exchange I was paired up with someone from my home town! Crazy, I know! Luckily for me, I got an amazing gift that she was able to drop off at my parents! 

Its a "lap" top desk or breakfast tray or whatever you need it for!
It will work great with the laptop I am hoping to get for Christmas (wink wink)

For her gift...
 I sent her a custom family necklace. I think it turned out cute and I hope she likes it.

her and her husband, their wedding date 
and I used part of a saying from her blog. (Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it)

What a fun way to start the holidays!!
Have a great week 
Merry early Christmas!!


  1. What great gifts- both of them! So unique and beautiful!


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